30 Days Detox
Personal Blueprint Program
Who is this for ?
The PBP is specifically for someone who is battling and has battled for months or years with a chronic health problem and needs someone experienced to hold your hand and guide you on a daily basis as you journey towards Perfect Health. We will make it simple, easy, and fun for you to navigate the minefield of health. You will know what to do and what to eat and how to do it, with no more fear or confusion.
We know you have heard this before but if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired …we mean truly sick and tired …
We mean you have had enough of the pain, discomfort, inconvenience and expense of being below par, not your best, missing out on traveling, having fun, playing with your kids or grandkids and you seriously want to be well all the time – then we can help you to be your best self.. Focused, energy, sleep fantastically and not be in pain or discomfort anymore!!
Mary-Ann & Mark Shearer have been helping thousands of people of all ages from all over the world, with all kinds of health conditions for over 30 years! They have seen and helped people completely recover from a wide variety of conditions - from bipolar to heart disease, cancer, allergies, weight issues, auto immune problems, arthritis, gout and any inflammatory condition, insomnia, anxiety, skin problems, respiratory, digestive, blood pressure and sugar issues to name just a few. No-one has ever NOT improved when they follow their specific program/s. Most find that their health starts improving within the first 2 days/weeks – some even earlier than. Within a year your health will have improved radically when you follow the guidelines and implement them daily. The average person who completes this course saves at least $6 000 per year some have saved $80 000!
What would you do with all the money you save from living in that sweet spot of Perfect Health?
An exotic holiday, that motorbike, refurbishing your home, a new investment – you can be in complete control of your health within 1 year with Mary-Ann and Mark’s help.
How badly do you want to be truly well?
We coach a maximum of 12 people at a time. Only 12 people are in each group per time for only a few select months in each year. So, make sure you book here to avoid missing out on being coached personally by Mary-Ann & Mark Shearer and be free from your frustrating and debilitating health problems. Your place is secured by payment only – once the slots are filled you will be placed on a waiting list for the next possible time slot for your specific condition, which could be only 6-12 months later.
The sooner you start the sooner you will experience that wonderful sense of freedom and liberty from living in the sweet spot of exceptional health.
Imagine being free of that intense inflammatory pain, or that excessive weight or those crazy moods, or that debilitating anxiety or that scary high blood pressure or those weird side effects from your meds.
In the Personally-Coached groups – you will be personally coached one–on–one and in a group of no bigger than 12 people for 30 days.
You will know exactly what you should do and how you should do it.
After completing your personal health assessment form and private consulting call with Mary-Ann on Zoom, you will get a personalized program worked out for you specifically, with daily lessons/assignments for 4 weeks, with weekly group sessions with no more than 12 people who have similar health issues.
At the end of the 4 week period, Mary-Ann will meet with you again, 1-o-1 online and then make sure you are on track for life. You will also then be allocated a Natural Health facilitator or coach and be added to the 365 program where you can continue to meet in a general group once a week for 52 weeks. Mary-Ann & Mark will personally help you choose your quarterly detox programs and monitor your progress during the year.
During this whole time you will be in a small WhatsApp Group with Mark & Mary-Ann (no more than 12 people) for the remainder of the course as well as be in a group with your Natural Health Facilitator).
Basically, you will have access to Mark & Mary-Ann (on weekdays) who will be available for support for the whole year plus the 30 days!!
Answer these 14 questions to see if you qualify for Mary-Ann & Mark Shearer’s Personally Coached Course
- Are you frustrated with your health?
- Have you been to every Tom, Dick & Dr.Harry for a diagnosis that no one can help with?
- Do they keep changing your meds and or have included medication for mental wellbeing – suggesting that’s your condition is all in your mind?
- Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
- Is your anxiety making you anxious?
- Is your depression getting you down?
- Is your weight, weighing you down?
- Are you ageing faster than you want to?
- Is your digestion slowing you down?
- Have you tried everything and yet your health seems to be deteriorating?
- Have you been told your body has a sensitive constitution and you just have to live with your health issues?
- Are your moods making you and those around you crazy?
- Is your health bankrupting you?
- Does the thought of changing your lifestyle and diet stress you out?
If you have answered yes to 1 or more question you are ready and you qualify
Only 12 people max at a time – very limited space
Book now to avoid disappointment
your exclusive spot on Mary-Ann and Mark’s personal coaching course don’t miss out!
Since 1986 Mark & Mary-Ann Shearer have been helping hundreds and thousands of people live in that sweet spot of Natural Health – they have all the success, experience and training in this field to help you get your body to that place where it can heal itself, naturally, regardless of your age, condition, history. With solid science-based principles and easy “can do” philosophy and guidelines Mary-Ann & Mark’s personal coaching is backed with Zoom and social media support for over 1 year – you will know exactly what to do and why to do it You will no longer live in fear of premature death or being incapacitated – you will actively be involved in extending your life! Just one more question …
Are you ready to live your best life ever?
When you are desperate to live in that sweet spot of health where your brain, bowels, bladder, and entire body feel great every morning you wake up – no matter what your age you are ready to take the leap .
Living a healthy life means living in the sweet spot of Perfect Health – but you need to make hard choices to get there – BUT – it’s totally worth it!
Easy Choices – result in a hard life
Difficult choices – result in an easy life
Anyone can do this no matter what your present health – because when you create the environment for health – your body heals itself, in time, you just need to know what to do.
Just like Anna did below
I want to thank you for this program My left foot, leg, hip, arm, breast and the left side of my face started to swell 4 years ago. My GP had never seen this before.
After a year I started going for lymph drainage every month which helped a bit, but soon the swelling would be back. Last year I had a venogram and they found a blockage in my breast vein on the left side which they dilated, but that also just helped for a while. I went back for a stent, they had to remove my first rib, as the vein passed between the rib and clavicle. But still the swelling did not subside.
I could feel that my breathing started to be affected. I was so tired of not sleeping well, no strength and energy. I prayed for two weeks that God will help me and show me what to do to get better My sister and her husband who followed you program , came to visit me. Thank you Laura to be able to get me registered on the program immediately. After one week I could wear shoes again which I couldn’t wear for years The swelling in my hip, breast, arm and face started to subside. I am sleeping so well I started to walk like you suggested, the first few days I could only walk 600m before my lung stared burning (I had a lung embolism 6 years ago) Since then I slowly progressed to 1,8 km every morning. I feel better every day. I have lots of energy, I can breath normally now without that heavy feeling in my chest. Regards Anna

These procedures and treatments have cost her over $50 000 plus 4 years of suffering.
Did you know that the average person spends around US $6015 per person per year just on over–the–counter non–prescription meds excluding a minimum of US$1200 per person per year on supplementation?
Americans spend more than $30 billion a year on dietary supplements — vitamins, minerals, and herbal products, among others — many of which are unnecessary or of doubtful benefit to those taking them.
The global supplement industry is worth over US$ 150 billion per year! If supplements worked why are all diseases on the increase?
In 1991 when our first book came out the Cancer Associations statistics on cancer were 1 out of every 5-6 people – today its 1 out of every 2-3 people just behind Heart Disease at 1 out of every 2!
With the right program and coaches, you can avoid all dread diseases – we can help you get free from the prison of your health issues.
This program works!! Like it has for Kelly
Now that I was more confused and scared, I was told more tests and x-rays were needed. From my first rheumatology appointment the Dr's offered anti-inflammatory drugs even though they didn't have any answers. As I inquired about the drugs and the danger to my organs I asked if they were a cure. Of course, they weren't. I was informed there was no cure but only ways to "manage" symptoms. I knew there had to be a better way!
With several appointments, x-rays and tests to come the first lockdown happened and all appointments were canceled. Several months later my friend Linda Potgieter hosted a webinar with Mary-Ann Shearer that would literally change my life. What I learned from the get-go was, that given the right environment, my body was incredibly designed to heal itself! And just as important (this is the key that I want people to hear clearly) is that a "symptom “no matter what scary name it is given, is simply your body's signal that it needs help, our bodies aren't fighting AGAINST us but fighting FOR and WITH us. All we need do is listen......listen and learn what the signals are trying to say. I learned to listen to my body. Within a few weeks I was sleeping 7 hours a night and hot flashes stopped. As I added things to my lifestyle and learned what things were causing the symptoms, the pain went away, the joint distortions stopped, and I lost 20 lbs (without trying). The list goes on and on
The bloating and swollen joints were gone completely, most symptoms were gone and I lost 20 more ponds. I had never been able to get to that weight no matter what diet I had been on. And this time I wasn't even trying! When I went for my yearly checkup, I was ecstatic to see the results. I had been anemic most of my life, severely vitamin D & B deficient. Before the I had been taking FIVE THOUSAND IU of vitamin D JUST to be at normal levels. I took mountains of very expensive top of the line supplements daily and now was taking NONE!
My doctor was THRILLED at my results! All my levels were great! When she asked what I had been doing, I told her about the program and how I had learned several key things like drinking water and eating raw before cooked, walking outside and getting sunlight 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week WITHOUT sunscreen (A no-no in the medical industry), had been on a whole-food, plant-based way of eating. She was surprised and could see the wheels turning in her mind. What could she say to all of that?! She told me to keep doing what I was doing that I was in great health! When I say meeting Mary-Ann and starting the program saved my life.....I mean it. Mary-Ann taught me how to be responsible for my own health and take my health back! I can't say enough about Mary-Ann and the Whole World Well programs. If you or anyone have any questions for me about my experience, it would be my privilege to share.
Blessing and good health,

How much could you save if you were living in the sweet spot of Perfect Health?
Calculate the following
- How much have you spent on medication in the last 5-10 years?
- How much time and money have you spent on consultations in the last 5-10 years
- How much have you spent on diets?
- How much have you spent on prescription and over the counter meds and supplements?
- How much have you lost in opportunities you could not take up because of your health?
- Add this up and let us know at info@wholeworldwell.com and get your free 5 steps and food combining chart
- You will sleep better
- Your skin and hair will have started improving
- You will have less pain
- Your stomach will be more comfortable and working more efficiently
- You will be on your way to a healthier you
- Within the complete program you should find that 80% – 100% * of your health problem will have improved dramatically and within 2-8 years you should be free of all health problems
This program consists of:
- Detailed Personal Health Assessment (Online) to start
- Mary-Ann researches and reverts within a week with a response as to whether or not she can help. (This is done on a 60 minute Zoom call)
- If you decide to proceed, Full amount needs to be paid.
- Once payment is received, client will be given instructions in writing AND on a 1 hour Zoom call once a week for 8 weeks.
It includes:
- Recipes,
- Exercises,
- a meal plan, discussions with the ‘meal-preparer’
- Life Skills and Training
- Stress management etc..
- Details will be added to the 365 Day program for year long support and advice, including directly access to Mary-Ann by email until the end of the year.
This depends on:
- Whether you follow the program as directed
- What your medical history is
- What medications you are on
- How committed you are to making the changes needed.
All you can lose are your health issues – what’s not to like?
Investing in your health for life
You will have a personal 1 on 1 consultation on Zoom with Mary-Ann for a minimum of 60 minutes before you start.
- You will choose a date and time to meet with her once you have completed your health assessment form. This form will be available for you once you have paid for the course.
- You will be provided with weekly Zoom sessions , daily access to Mark & Mary-Ann on social media and daily emailed program with practical steps and guidelines for 30 days
- You will then choose a follow up session if you need it after the first 30 days
- A further 52 weeks in a general Zoom group will be available as well as a designated natural Game Changing Natural Health Facilitator and daily continued social media support from Mary-Ann and or Mark Shearer
- Mark & Mary-Ann will also help you personally through 4 focused detox programs, spaced evenly through the year
1. Perfect Health – The Natural Way – a family’s guide to vibrant health
2. Healthy Kids – The Natural Way – from fertility to teens and everything in between to support you naturally raising a family pic of cover
3. Perfect Weight – The Natural way to balance your weight without dieting
4. Recipe Books
5. The 30, day detox*
6. The 100 days to health*
7. The 365 days to wellness *
8. The intense Personal Blueprint programs for various chronic health issues
9. The Natural Health and Nutrition Course
10. The Natural Health Business Course
You will be in the best hands as they have over 30 years of experience helping people get healthy and are the bestselling natural health and Nutrition coaches & authors of over 300 000 copies sold of;
- Perfect Health – The Natural Way – a family’s guide to vibrant health
- Healthy Kids – The Natural Way – from fertility to teens and everything in between to support you naturally raising a family pic of cover
- Perfect Weight – The Natural way to balance your weight without dieting
- 4 Recipe Books covers
- The 30, day detox*
- The 100 days to health*
- The 365 days to wellness *
- The intense Personal Health Coached program for various chronic health issues
- The Natural Health and Nutrition course
- The Natural Health, business & consulting course
As Education Alliance Partners with The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (pcrm.org) they trained in Washington DC with Dr Neal Barnard and are allied to the research done by Dr. T Colin Campbell, as well as Drs Dean Ornish, Joel Fuhrman, Caldwell Esselstyn etc.
They are international speakers on Natural Living – having travelled and sometimes lived and spoken in the USA, UK, Southern Africa for over 30 years and with online clients from all over the USA, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Netherlands, Israel, France, Hong Kong, Namibia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, etc.
They have helped hundreds of thousands of people – and they can help you!
Just one more question …
Are you ready to live your best life ever?
If you don’t know yet - how do you know you are ready today?
How do you know you are ready?
- If you want permanent lifelong health and are prepared to commit to make regular small changes needed to achieve that – you are ready
- If you have had enough of the outrageous costs of trying to manage your pain, condition, symptoms, disease and want the freedom and liberty of being disease and med free for life – you are ready
- If you want to know how your body works and how to help it work properly all the time to be educated, inspired and motivated by Mary-Ann, Mark & Their team of Game Changers then you are ready
- If you want to take control for the rest of your life and stop outsourcing your health and would like a guiding hand, mentoring, support and a tribe to help you stay on a healthy track and live in the sweet spot of exceptional health and wellbeing at any age – then you are definitely ready to sort out any and all of the following problems and related conditions
- Hormones – Menstrual disorders, fertility menopause, intimacy issues
- Weight – finding the perfect balance for your genetic makeup
- Thyroid
- Skin issues – Acne, eczema, dermatitis
- Ageing
- Cholesterol
- Respiratory – Tonsillitis, sinusitis, respiratory issues such as asthma and or chronic bronchitis or upper respiratory tract infections,
- Allergies – hay fever, allergies to animal, foods, and or chemicals
- Inflammatory conditions – Arthritis, gout, colitis, fibromyalgia,
- Digestive issues – reflux, bloating, IBS, haemorrhoids or piles, Digestive inflammatory conditions, constipation
- 4. Thyroid
- Auto immune and immune issues – MS, Lupus, Hashimoto’s & Thyroid disorders, Cancer, Chronic infections
- Adrenal Fatigue – chronic fatigue, Blood pressure and blood sugar problems
- Brain/mental health – bipolar, anxiety, social awkwardness, depression, ADHD, ADD, etc, etc
- Sleep – insomnia, nightmares, busy dreams, waking up tired, waking up throughout the night
- Heart disease, cholesterol
- A maximum of 12 people at a time are chosen to take part
- You will receive a confirmation mail once payment has been made with a direct link for your personal health assessment form to be filled in and returned.
- Once we have received your personal assessment form – you will be sent time slot options to meet with Mary-Ann to discuss your way forward for you personally
- You will also be sent a calendar in which you need to book your first session with Mary-Ann Shearer by Zoom, skype or what’s app phone call, where she will discuss your health assessment and the direction you need to go in.
- Once you have had your 30-45 min session with Mary-Ann – you will be sent the link to start the daily online coaching sessions.
- You will then receive daily email coaching, instructions and suggestions with plenty of recipes and ideas for your transforming lifestyle.
- You will also be sent weekly links for a once-a-week meeting with Mary-Ann and Mark on Zoom
- At the end of the 30-day focused program, you will meet with Mary-Ann online one on one again and assess your improvement and given personal directions for your journey
- Thereafter you will be enrolled on the 365 – my year of wellness with access to a weekly Zoom sessions to continue the coaching in a general group session for 52 more weeks. This is so that you have support from Mary-Ann & Mark and the community while you continue applying principals and steps you have learned. We will also allocate you to a Game Changer facilitator to support you in a likeminded community
- If you complete the sessions and apply the steps required, you will be guaranteed an 80-100% improvement in your health and save thousands.
Your Investment
- To have a private consultant and work with Mary-Ann & Mark and be coached individually for 30 days only, will cost you $5000 normally. Their 30 plus years of working with people one on one around the world, have helped her identify the steps you need to follow that work. These steps are always practical, affordable and doable and workable.
- To be coached 4 times a year through a detox program by Mark & Mary-Ann Shearer is worth $1500 per session = $6000
- To be coached weekly for a year on the 365 program is valued at $5000
- Their program saves the average person at least $500 a month every month on medications, supplementation, daily activity and food, plus huge savings on time spend in appointments outsourcing your health to others.
- The least the average person saves on our programs is $6000 a year. Over and above that the least amount of money you will save per year every year for life is $6000. In just 10 years that is already $60 000 – saved!!
So… Actually cost of the program is $16,000 which will result in (if implemented) in savings of at least $6000 in a year, every year for the rest of your life!
But Because Mary-Ann & Mark are on a mission to get the Whole World Well – (Healthy people make better decisions, are generally nicer and kinder and less irritable than unhealthy) they have slashed the price to only $2497 for today!
By investing in getting healthy – we know you are serious about getting well and will do everything we can to help you be your best healthy self.
Your return on your investment will be tangible as your health improves and you save more money in a year that the investment that you make.
The question always is , –
“How serious are you about really getting healthy?”
Money Back Guarantee
If you complete all the sessions and apply all the steps, and you see no improvement, you may apply for a full refund. To date no–one has done this as everyone sees the results they want.
You cannot afford to not do this – it will not only extend your life but at the very least improve the quality of your life dramatically!!